- 34'9"
Visokozmogljiva jadrnica, zasnovana za ljubitelje jadranja in družine, s funkcijami, ki so bile nagrajene in izjemnim udobjem za popolno jadransko izkušnjo.
Elan E4- 39'3"
Visokozmogljiva jadrnica, zasnovana za ljubitelje jadranja in družine, s funkcijami, ki so bile nagrajene in izjemnim udobjem za popolno jadransko izkušnjo.
Elan E5- 46'3"
Doživite popolno jadransko razkošje z jadrnico, ki je zasnovana za udobje, zmogljivost in slog. Oblikovana v sodelovanju z uglednim studijem Pininfarina, ta jadrnica ponuja popolno ravnovesje med lepoto in zmogljivostjo na vodi. Idealna za hitro jadranje in ustvarjanje nepozabnih spominov z družino in prijatelji.
Elan E6- 44'7"
Jadrnica Impression 45 je zasnovana z mislijo na sodobno družino, saj ponuja prostorno notranjost in izjemne zmogljivosti za samostojno jadranje. Glavni aduti te jadrnice so prostornina, udobje, varnost, enostavnost plovbe in kakovost gradnje, zato je odlična izbira za tiste, ki si želijo razkošno in brezskrbno izkušnjo križarjenja.
Elan I45- 48'8"
Jadrnica Impression 50.1 ponuja izkušnjo luksuznega križarjenja s funkcijami, zasnovanimi za največje možno udobje, vključno s prostornimi bivalnimi prostori in vrhunsko dodatno opremo. Na tej jadrnici, ki jo lahko upravljata dva člana posadke, lahko pluje do 12 oseb, zato je kot nalašč za velike družine ali skupine prijateljev. Poudarek jadrnice na prostornini, udobju in kakovosti gradnje zagotavlja varno in udobno potovanje po vodi.
Elan i50.1- 40'9"
Model Elan GT5 je najmanjši iz linije GT Line, ki ponuja razkošje in zmogljivost v kompaktnem paketu. Ta jadrnica, zasnovana v obliki palubnega salona, združuje udobje in slog – kot nalašč za iskalce vrhunske jadralske izkušnje.
Elan GT5- 49'
Model Elan GT6 predstavlja vrhunec luksuznega jadranja, saj ponuja neprekosljivo zmogljivost, udobje in slog. Ta jadrnica je s svojim sodobnim visoko zmogljivim trupom, izvrstnimi lesenimi elementi, vrhunsko izdelavo in napredno kompozitno tehnologijo prava mojstrovina pomorskega inženiringa. Model GT6, razvit v sodelovanju s studiem F. A. Porsche, je kot nalašč za tiste, ki zahtevajo najboljše. Je ultimativna »mini superjahta«.
Elan GT6- 49'
The Elan GT6 Explorer is the epitome of luxury and adventure on the open sea. This yacht combines state-of-the-art technology and exquisite design for optimal bluewater cruising.
Elan GT6 XTestata Mosconi 1, 34073 Grado, Italy
The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Cesta solinarjev 4 , 6320 Portorož, Slovenia
In Russia: 142304, Moscow region, Chekhov district, Bolshoy Petrovskoye village, Yasenevaya, 54; || In Croatia: Obala Rtine 1A, 22213, Pirovac, Croatia
Lugar Port Ginesta, Local 810, 08870 Les Botigues de Sitges, Barcelona, Španija
3 Semelis street, 7103 Aradippou, Larnaca
Blue Sailing GmbH Ferdinand- Porsche- Str. 13 D 28237 Bremen
Blue Sailing GmbH Ferdinand- Porsche- Str. 13 D 28237 Bremen
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Blue Sailing GmbH Ferdinand- Porsche- Str. 13 D 28237 Bremen
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Unit 1 - Z Pier Base
31 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven Marina
Auckland 1011
New Zealand
Hsinchu Headquarter:
Address: No.80, Fenggone Rd. Hukou Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 303035
Address: No.123 Anyi Rd. Anping Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 7080038
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Begunje 1, 4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia
Alimos marina Pier No 4 and 4A (Reception) Kapodistriou 6, 17455 Athens, Greece
James Watt Dock Marina, Greenock, United Kingdom, PA15 2UT
Rest of United Kingdom:
Elan d.o.o.
Begunje 1, 4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia
ÁTI-Sziget Ipari Park, Szigetszentmiklós, 2310 Hungary
Ytrebygdsvegen 37, 5251 Søreidgrend, Norway
47 Villa Avallone Valley Road, Iklin IKL 1806 Malta
Karagozler Mah. Fevzi Cakmak Cad. No:42 Yes Marina Fethiye, Mugla
Bullandö Marina 139 56 Värmdö, Sweden
Oostmahorn 31, 9133 DT Anjum, Netherlands
Oostmahorn 31, 9133 DT Anjum, Netherlands
Oostmahorn 31, 9133 DT Anjum, Netherlands
4-2 Shiraho Kanazawa Yokohama Kanagawa Japan
4-16-1 Nishinomiyahama Nishinomiya Hyogo Japan
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
2 Murray Street, Darling Harbour NSW, 1230 Sydney, Australia
Estaleiro da Marina de Portimão
8400-279 Parchal
Algarve - Portugal
Sub-Dealer of Northfleet BV
Nonnenbos 15, 2381 Weelde, België
Zebox, Immeuble Grand Central, 19 rue Henri Barbusse, 13001 Marseille
Lab'Océan by la Colloc, 12 Rue des Résistants, 56470 La Trinité-sur-Mer
15 rue de la Brigantine, 17000 La Rochelle
Zebox, Immeuble Grand Central, 19 rue Henri Barbusse, 13001 Marseille
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Jaffa Port 6812904, Tel Aviv Ratzif Haalia Hashnia 10
Hertzeliya Marina, HaTsedef St 1, Herzliya, 4655201, Izrael
70 Essex Street Mystic,CT06457
982 rue Principale, St-Paul-de-l'lle-aux-Noix, Quebec J0J 1G0 Canada
1553 Bayville StreetNorfolk, Virginia 23503
unit 01 6/F, no 2370 Fangzhong Road, Huli, Xiamen, China
Hsinchu Headquarter:
Address: No.80, Fenggone Rd. Hukou Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 303035
Address: No.123 Anyi Rd. Anping Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 7080038
Hsinchu Headquarter:
Address: No.80, Fenggone Rd. Hukou Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 303035
Address: No.123 Anyi Rd. Anping Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 7080038
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Alonso de Córdova #4294, Local 5, Vitacura - Santiago, Chile
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Notice: the pin on the map symbolically represents the country covered by this distributor, not their physical location.
Testata Mosconi 1, 34073 Grado, Italy
The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Alonso de Córdova #4294, Local 5, Vitacura - Santiago, Chile
Cesta solinarjev 4 , 6320 Portorož, Slovenia
3 Semelis street, 7103 Aradippou, Larnaca
In Russia: 142304, Moscow region, Chekhov district, Bolshoy Petrovskoye village, Yasenevaya, 54; || In Croatia: Obala Rtine 1A, 22213, Pirovac, Croatia
Lugar Port Ginesta, Local 810, 08870 Les Botigues de Sitges, Barcelona, Španija
Blue Sailing GmbH Ferdinand- Porsche- Str. 13 D 28237 Bremen
Alimos marina Pier No 4 and 4A (Reception) Kapodistriou 6, 17455 Athens, Greece
James Watt Dock Marina, Greenock, United Kingdom, PA15 2UT
Rest of United Kingdom:
Elan d.o.o.
Begunje 1, 4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia
47 Villa Avallone Valley Road, Iklin IKL 1806 Malta
4-16-1 Nishinomiyahama Nishinomiya Hyogo Japan
2 Murray Street, Darling Harbour NSW, 1230 Sydney, Australia
4-2 Shiraho Kanazawa Yokohama Kanagawa Japan
Unit 1 - Z Pier Base
31 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven Marina
Auckland 1011
New Zealand
982 rue Principale, St-Paul-de-l'lle-aux-Noix, Quebec J0J 1G0 Canada
Hertzeliya Marina, HaTsedef St 1, Herzliya, 4655201, Izrael
unit 01 6/F, no 2370 Fangzhong Road, Huli, Xiamen, China
Blue Sailing GmbH Ferdinand- Porsche- Str. 13 D 28237 Bremen
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Oostmahorn 31, 9133 DT Anjum, Netherlands
Blue Sailing GmbH Ferdinand- Porsche- Str. 13 D 28237 Bremen
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Hsinchu Headquarter:
Address: No.80, Fenggone Rd. Hukou Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 303035
Address: No.123 Anyi Rd. Anping Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 7080038
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Oostmahorn 31, 9133 DT Anjum, Netherlands
Begunje 1, 4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slovenia
Jaffa Port 6812904, Tel Aviv Ratzif Haalia Hashnia 10
Hsinchu Headquarter:
Address: No.80, Fenggone Rd. Hukou Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 303035
Address: No.123 Anyi Rd. Anping Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 7080038
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
Hsinchu Headquarter:
Address: No.80, Fenggone Rd. Hukou Town, Hsinchu County, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 303035
Address: No.123 Anyi Rd. Anping Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan.
Postal Code: 7080038
Estaleiro da Marina de Portimão
8400-279 Parchal
Algarve - Portugal
Karagozler Mah. Fevzi Cakmak Cad. No:42 Yes Marina Fethiye, Mugla
Sub-Dealer of Northfleet BV
Nonnenbos 15, 2381 Weelde, België
1553 Bayville StreetNorfolk, Virginia 23503
Zebox, Immeuble Grand Central, 19 rue Henri Barbusse, 13001 Marseille
Lab'Océan by la Colloc, 12 Rue des Résistants, 56470 La Trinité-sur-Mer
15 rue de la Brigantine, 17000 La Rochelle
Zebox, Immeuble Grand Central, 19 rue Henri Barbusse, 13001 Marseille
Notice: The pin on the map indicates the territory covered by this distributor, not their physical address.
ÁTI-Sziget Ipari Park, Szigetszentmiklós, 2310 Hungary